Haapsalu näidisala

Haapsalu demo site

In Haapsalu Municipality a NBS demonstration site will be constructed in order to improve the environmental condition of Haapsalu Tagalaht bay area and to reduce the flood risk by filling the south-west coast and using it as a natural detention area for stormwater in the city. As a result, the amount of poor-quality rainwater flowing into the Tagalaht bay will decrease, the capacity of natural rainwater treatment due to heavy rains will increase, shore enforcement will create an obstacle to flooding by the sea. If the creation of the coastal meadow will be successful, a green area will be created, which will bring back the natural diversity and at the same time require little maintenance (mowing once a summer is enough). In the future, the light traffic road will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the natural diversity of the coastal area. The nearby modern water treatment plant and the natural living areas of the demo area will become outdoor learning destinations for educational institutions and the environmental awareness of the area and its functions will grow.