In LIFE LATESTadapt Project, the guide has been published, addressing the establishment of rain garden vegetation using native plant species. The guide focuses on local specifics in Estonia and Latvia in terms of climate and soil conditions and selection of local native species in 2 countries. It provides general overview to help select the vegetation for a rain garden and to plan its establishment and maintenance in the region. The guide also includes a list of plant species that could potentially thrive in rain gardens under climatic conditions of Estonia and Latvia. The guide serves as an initial output of the Project, as several experiments with various plant species and plant communities are being conducted in a test bed continuously during the Project implementation. Therefore, the selection of recommended plant species will expand, and the actual performance of the listed species in real rain garden conditions will become clearer in the next years.
Find out more – https://lifelatestadapt.viimsivald.ee/materials/