Cēsis demo site
In Cēsis Municipality, the demonstration site is located in Vintergrava with an area of about 10 ha that has been selected as a pilot area. The area is located in the town centre, and has the rain water basin of 258 ha. Reducing runoff and improving water quality is an objective to be addressed within this demonstration site.
Taken measures at the demo site: Hydrological / hydraulic model load and flood modelling in different extreme rainfall scenarios considering climate change, identification of floodplains, modelling and selection of measures (incl. nature-based solutions, real-time control solutions, traditional solutions; Implementation of a rehabilitation program by performing a set of measures for infrastructure rehabilitation (revitalization of the territory) and green infrastructure using innovative and nature-based methods (adapted greenery, riverbed remediation etc.) to protect water quality and reduce pollution loads; Development of nature-based solution models for rainwater drainage (currently rainwater drainage is mainly based on grey infrastructure).